D2 BSDF - PBR Converter for Destiny 2 [MarchMad25]
This is an Uber BSDF for Destiny 2's PGS. It takes your base output and converts it into a V-Ray-like handler with complete Artistic Control over everything. I've spent the last 7-8 months working on this for an End-User ease-of-use and ensuring it doesn't break. I've used this similar system for a little over a year, except I've completely overhauled how it functions from the ground up.
This isn't just limited to Destiny 2 shaders either, you're still able to replace the default Blender Principled BSDF with the "Custom BSDF" node and use it just as you would regularly. I've poured my heart and soul into this and went through hundreds of papers trying to replicate other rendering engines' shader systems and I think the results speak for themselves.
This works with Destiny 1 Armor sets and fully incorporates the Iridescence system found in Destiny 2's shader systems.
Now works with all weapons, ships, sparrows, and Ghost shells!
Rain VFX Shader
Supercharge VFX Shader
Infinite Detail (Think mipmapping)
Zone Control for both Roughness and Normal Maps
Metallic objects in the shader are handled properly
Scratches in the material to further enhance detail
Thank you!